Tips for DIY Designers: Chromostereopsis

Ever notice that when you put certain colors side-by-side, they do a Weird Thing™ to you eyes?

It’s chromostereopsis!

According to the Interaction Design Foundation:

Chromostereopsis is a visual illusion that occurs when certain colors are placed alongside each other, making it unnecessarily difficult to focus on both colors. The illusion is due to the respective wavelengths stimulating different areas within the eye.

I see this kind of mistake in DIY designs all the time, particularly around American holidays and at Christmas because of the colors involved—red/green and red/blue.

Having trouble reading some of that?

Yeah, me too. (Any pretty much everyone else.) Not only is there not enough contrast for anyone with color blindness or visual impairment, the chromostereopsis effect makes these images feel like the precursor to a migraine.

I saw a billboard the other day with a lovely photo of a pristine beach and gorgeous sky… with red text over it. Trust me, I tried to read it but had no luck. I have no idea what they were selling. Someone with colorblindness probably wouldn’t have even noticed the text.

How to Avoid (or fix) Chromostereopsis in your designs


Use colors that are a bit less saturated, or adjust the hue until you no longer see the color interaction.


Make one of the colors lighter or darker to create more contrast between the color values.


Create some space between the colors, whether you're adding a shadow, glow, outline, background, or separating the colors with space or a divider.

How to Avoid accessibility issues due to poor Contrast

There are a number of tools out there that can help you to visualize what your website looks like for people with color blindness.

Other related tools:

There are also paid tools that can assist with color palette contrast and accessibility issues; do some searching on the App store of your choice for mobile versions too!

Pay Attention to Colorspace

When selecting colors, pay attention to how the colors interact on screen AND in print. As I have mentioned in a previous series, screen colors (RGB) are different from printed colors (CMYK, Pantone, etc.) So, what looks okay on screen, may have contrast issues in print… and vice versa.

"But these are the brand colors! I can't just change their hue or saturation!"

Good point. When you’re working with an established brand, you can’t change the hue or saturation of defined brand colors at a whim. So, you’ll need a high contrast neutral (or two) to use instead.

Let’s look at Lime’s brand colors:

There are a lot of low contrast combinations of colors in our color set, so while my palette includes lots of different colors… the usable combinations are limited (for good reason).

Not enough contrast

Closer, but not quite

Not my favorite, but it works


Not enough contrast

Accessibility issues

Better, but still not W3C compliant

Good, but use with caution

Only a mantis shrimp could read this easily.

Better, but still not W3C compliant

Better, but still not W3C compliant


Not enough contrast

Looking good,
but be careful.

This one works

Definite yes

No problems here

Not enough contrast

Not enough contrast



No problems here

Not enough contrast

Better, but still not W3C compliant

Better, but still not W3C compliant


There are a lot of low contrast combinations of colors in the Lime color set, so while the approved palette includes lots of different colors… the usable combinations are limited (for good reason).

These kinds of constraints can feel frustrating if you aren’t used to working within them, but think of these limitations as an opportunity to be creative within boundaries—that’s most of what good design is.

Finally, before anyone says it… Yes, there are good and interesting uses of the chromostereopsis effect. It does create an illusion of depth, which is fascinating and has been used for centuries in art forms like stained glass. And you can use it to intentionally create a feeling of unease, obscure text or graphics, and force flat objects to feel three-dimensional (you’ve probably see this with retro 3-D images and their corresponding red and blue glasses).

But unless that’s your goal…

Now available at Amazon! Check out my ebook How to Choose the Right Graphic Designer for Your Nonprofit for practical tips to help you and your team to craft the creative team that your organization needs to thrive!

Only $5.99!

About the Author

Laura Kline

Laura Kline is a graphic designer and communications specialist. She has a master's degree in media design and over 18 years of experience working with agencies, businesses, and nonprofit organizations of all sizes.

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