

If you’re my client already, you don’t need this book. But if you are looking for a graphic designer for your nonprofit and aren’t sure where to start… this is ...

I don’t need to take a poll to know that small nonprofits and ministries don’t have the workforce to keep track of every detail and stay on top of every ...

March 10 is International Lime Day, a day set aside to—for no apparent reason—celebrate limes. For obvious reasons, I'm a fan of limes. But most people don't know that the ...
2023 marked LinkedIn's 20th anniversary, and, boy-oh-boy, this oft-overlooked social media platform has grown in the past few years. It's time to give LinkedIn another look. I've compiled Five Reasons ...
Every specialty has its own insider lingo, and graphic design and color theory is no different… We’ve got some jargon! Let’s hear your guesses (Hey, cheater, no Google searching). What ...

Ever notice that when you put certain colors side-by-side, they do a Weird Thing™ to you eyes? It’s chromostereopsis! According to the Interaction Design Foundation: Chromostereopsis is a visual illusion ...

Choosing the perfect graphic designer for your nonprofit can be an exciting and... somewhat intimidating process. Here's how to increase your chances of finding a talented designer who understands your ...
Top 10 things to consider when choosing a graphic designer (Part 1 of 2). Identify the perfect graphic designer for your nonprofit organization by evaluating and examining these ten areas. ...
One of the services we offer to our website design & development clients is our Quarterly Website Check-up plan. We don't charge any regular, recurring fees for our clients' sites, ...
To help your nonprofit maximize its social media presence and create lasting connections, we're here to introduce you to five AI-powered social media tools. With the remarkable capabilities of Artificial ...