Tag: design

FREE eBook 7/8-7/12

If you’re my client already, you don’t need this book. But if you are looking for a graphic designer for your nonprofit and aren’t sure where to start… this is a great resource! And this week, it’s FREE! (Also, I wrote it, so there’s that.) No Kindle? No worries. Email laura@limeiscreative.com, and I’ll send you a PDF! Get it on Amazon NOW

Project Highlight: Award-Winning Seasonal Newsletter

Client: Masterpiece Marketing Project Type: Magazine/Newsletter Strategy & Copywriting: Masterpiece Marketing Design: Lime Creative We’ve been blessed to be able to partner with Masterpiece Marketing for over a decade to design and develop hundreds of projects for nonprofits and businesses of all sizes. Their long-time client publishes a seasonal newsletter in the form of a 12- or 16-page magazine. Each issue is themed; this one from Spring 2018 was superhero themed. It turned out so […]