Category: How To

FREE eBook 7/8-7/12

If you’re my client already, you don’t need this book. But if you are looking for a graphic designer for your nonprofit and aren’t sure where to start… this is a great resource! And this week, it’s FREE! (Also, I wrote it, so there’s that.) No Kindle? No worries. Email, and I’ll send you a PDF! Get it on Amazon NOW

Passwords and 2FA: Don’t Neglect Your Data (Part 1)

I don’t need to take a poll to know that small nonprofits and ministries don’t have the workforce to keep track of every detail and stay on top of every piece of information that’s all around you. It’s a common problem! Whether you’re the director of development/website manager/social media content developer/major gifts officer/email marketer/anything else that comes up person or you’re lucky enough to have just one job at your organization, it can feel daunting […]

Tips for DIY Designers: Chromostereopsis

Ever notice that when you put certain colors side-by-side, they do a Weird Thing™ to you eyes? It’s chromostereopsis! According to the Interaction Design Foundation: Chromostereopsis is a visual illusion that occurs when certain colors are placed alongside each other, making it unnecessarily difficult to focus on both colors. The illusion is due to the respective wavelengths stimulating different areas within the eye. I see this kind of mistake in DIY designs all the time, […]