Hourglass with lime green sand

How Fast Do People Judge Your Website?

People form opinions in the blink of an eye… but just how fast is that blink when it comes to a visitor’s first impression of a website?

How quickly do you think people judge a website?

(If you don’t see your four options just above this line, refresh the page. You may have an overactive security plugin on your browser.)

Did you guess correctly?

A lot goes into developing a website that works.

When you hear a designer or developer tell you that your site needs an update, there may be a good reason for that. Did you know there’s a real, measurable way to make your site “score” better in that short time before the visitor hits the back button and disappears—Visual Complexity (VC) and Prototypicality (PT)?

More about those in another post.

Don’t get overwhelmed; We can help!

Feel free to leave knowing about this kind of stuff to the oddballs who love it (us). You can stick to geeking out about the stuff that floats your boat—like running your business, raising funds for your nonprofit, managing programs for your school, or doom-scrolling on Instagram at 2am.

Contact us for details about our web consulting, strategy, design, & development services. We’d love to work on your website with you!

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About the Author

Laura Kline

Laura Kline is a graphic designer and communications specialist. She has a master's degree in media design and over 18 years of experience working with agencies, businesses, and nonprofit organizations of all sizes.

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