Top 5 AI-Powered Social Media Tools for Nonprofits (AI for Nonprofits: Part 2)

When ChatGPT burst onto the scene in 2022, it revolutionized the way businesses create content. So much so that calling it a revolution feels almost too small… it’s a new era. Skynet is here, and so far it’s super helpful! It can be hard to know where to start with AI. Overwhelming, really.

Fret no more; we’re on it for you. 

To help your nonprofit maximize its social media presence and create lasting connections, we’re here to introduce you to five AI-powered social media tools. With the remarkable capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI), these tools are designed to save you time, simplify your social media management, boost engagement, and help your organization shine in the digital realm.

The trick is sifting through pages of Google results and figuring out which tools are the right ones for your organization. So, let’s dive in!

Hootsuite Logo


Streamlining Social Media Management​

Hootsuite is a comprehensive social media management platform that integrates AI technology to assist nonprofits in streamlining their social media management tasks. With Hootsuite, nonprofits can schedule posts, manage multiple social media accounts, and track engagement metrics. Its AI capabilities allow nonprofits to identify trending topics, optimize posting schedules, and measure the effectiveness of their social media campaigns.

I loved Hootsuite’s free version back in the day, but while they do still have a “free” version, it’s so limited that it’s not worth it for any real future planning. Get a paid plan—it WILL save you time.

(If you apply for the discount and get rejected… ask them to reconsider; they probably will. It worked for one of my clients!)


YES! Hootsuite offers up 75% off for approved 501(c)(3) nonprofits. Apply at the link below. 

Sprout Social

Sprout Social

Analyzing and Engaging with Precision

Sprout Social has added a powerful AI tool that provides nonprofits with robust features to analyze and engage their social media audience effectively. Through AI-driven sentiment analysis, Sprout Social helps you understand public sentiment, monitor brand mentions, and identify opportunities for engagement. It enables nonprofits to track relevant conversations, respond promptly, and build meaningful connections with their audience.

Sprout has grand plans for implementing AI into their existing platform in areas like Optimal Send Times, Smart Categories and sophisticated social customer care routing and workflow functionality. 


Yes… But they don’t talk publicly about what the discount is. You’ll have to contact them directly for details, which is a bit annoying. 


Simplifying Social Media Management

Buffer is a user-friendly social media management tool that incorporates AI technology to simplify social media management. With Buffer, nonprofits can schedule posts, curate content, and analyze engagement metrics. 

Its AI capabilities enable nonprofits to optimize posting times, automate content curation, and measure the effectiveness of their social media strategies. With the new Buffer AI Assistant you can generate ideas in just a click and repurpose your existing content dozens of times, helping you grow your engagement across all social platforms.

Buffer provides a seamless experience for nonprofits to efficiently manage their social media presence.

I haven’t used this one specifically, but any tool that helps you to reuse and repurpose your content will save you time. Their discount is excellent too!


YES! Buffer offers 50% off for approved 501(c)(3) nonprofits. Apply at the link below.

AI-Powered Visual Content Creation is an AI-powered design platform that enables nonprofits to create captivating visual content for their social media channels. With user-friendly templates, customizable designs, and AI-driven suggestions, makes it easy for nonprofits to create professional-looking graphics, videos, and animations without the need for extensive design skills or resources. It offers a range of design options that align with different social media platforms, allowing nonprofits to convey their messages in a visually appealing way.

StoryLab.AI has MASSIVE potential to help you scale your social media posts and increase engagement. Their AI-powered tools can help you create text content, graphics, animations, videos, and more… Again, if it saves you time, it’s worth the investment.

That said, there’s a FREE version that allows you to use the AI three times per month at no cost, so give it a shot and see if you think you could make it work!


Not that I could find, but I do think the investment would be worth it anyway. Try the FREE version to see if you like it.

Note: This button contains an affiliate link, which means that I get paid a small percentage if you sign up with my link.


The GOAT. The original AI Chatbot.

You can use ChatGPT generate engaging and relevant content for your social media posts. Create an account (or login with SSO), then get started with provide prompts or ideas to ChatGPT, which can then generate creative and informative captions, headlines, tweets, and text posts. This can save time and effort in brainstorming content ideas and help maintain a consistent posting schedule. 

However, you should closely monitor and review the outputs of ChatGPT to ensure accuracy, address any potential biases, and maintain the organization’s brand voice and values. Also… fact check everything it generates, as it’s been known to accidentally generate incorrect details.

I love ChatGPT for creating text content in particular. I instruct the AI to ask me questions about what I know about a particular topic, then spend time answering the questions, then it gives me an outline or headlines to help guide my next steps. It’s what I’d be doing anyway, but it saves me valuable brainstorming time. 

I actually used it to create some of the text in this post. Could you tell?


It’s FREE for everyone.

If you can harness AI to handle parts of your To-Do list, you’ll have more time to get to the stuff that requires a human—like meeting a major donor for coffee to thank them for their dedication.

You can significantly enhance your organization’s social media presence, engage your audience more effectively, and drive your mission forward using AI-powered tools like these. However, it is important to consider a few key factors when selecting your new tools:

  • Compatibility: Ensure that the AI tool integrates well with the social media platforms your nonprofit utilizes most frequently.

  • Features: Evaluate the features offered by each tool and select the ones that align with your nonprofit’s social media goals and strategies.

  • Ease of Use: Consider the user-friendliness of the tool and its learning curve, as it should be accessible for your team members without needing to get a PhD in Advanced Geekery.

  • Cost and Budget: This one probably didn’t need to be mentioned… NPOs often has budget as their very first (or only) criteria for selecting marketing tools. Assess the pricing structure of the tool and consider its affordability within your nonprofit’s budget constraints. Always ask about nonprofit discounts, special pricing for new customers, etc. 

  • Support and Training: Look for tools that offer reliable customer support, training resources, and a strong user community to assist your nonprofit along the way. Free tools won’t have much tech support to help you, so there’s a huge benefit to getting a paid account… access to the people who can answer your questions is key.

There’s no way around it—AI is here now. You might as well get started on figuring it out! 

And, hey, it might not be as intimidating as it seems! Good luck!

Now available at Amazon! Check out my ebook How to Choose the Right Graphic Designer for Your Nonprofit for practical tips to help you and your team to craft the creative team that your organization needs to thrive!

Only $5.99!

About the Author

Laura Kline

Laura Kline is a graphic designer and communications specialist. She has a master's degree in media design and over 18 years of experience working with agencies, businesses, and nonprofit organizations of all sizes.

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